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Keach's Meeting House
Winslow Buckinghamshire
17th Century
Baptist Meeting House


Benjamin Keach and a monument to liberty by Kenneth Dix.
Published by The Fauconberg Press 1985, 36pp ISBN 0900366109
Available in the Meeting House for £2 or for £3 including postage (UK) by contacting literature@keachsmeetinghouse.org.uk

Other books:

The Excellent Benjamin Keach by Austin Walker.
Second Revised edition published by Joshua Press 2015.
Paperback 496pp ISBN 9781894400633.

Preaching from the Types and Metaphors of the Bible by Benjamin Keach.
12th edition published by Kregel 1975.
Hardback 1040pp ISBN 9780825430084.

Kiffin, Knollys and Keach by Michael A G Haykin.
Published by Carey.
Paperback 125pp ISBN 9780952791300.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever. Hebrews 13:8